If you're anything like me and consider your time precious, when I do a search for a topic and go to a site I want to quickly determine if the site has any useful information, products, tools, etc. that will benefit me and be worth my time to browse. The following site summary is presented to aid you in determining if my site is worth your time to explore.
For those of you that don't know, the term bean counter is slang for a bookkeeper. Let's also define accounting and bookkeeping. Accounting is the art of analyzing, recording, summarizing, reporting, reviewing, and interpreting financial information. Bookkeeping is one of the components of accounting. Think of accounting as the mom and bookkeeping as one of her children. Bookkeeping is the process of recording and classifying business financial transactions (activities). In simple language-maintaining the records of a businesses or an individual's financial activities. Bookkeeping's objective is simply to record and summarize financial transactions into a usable form that provides financial information about a business.