Florida State University

Florida State University is an internationally-recognized teaching and research institution committed to preparing our graduates for the ever-expanding opportunities of a global society. It is home to the first new allopathic medical school of the 21st century…and to one of the fastest-rising law schools in national rankings.
* Our students work alongside Nobel laureates, members of the National Academy of Sciences and American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Guggenheim Fellows, Pulitzer Prize recipients, and others.
* Our students are diverse. They come from every county in Florida, all 50 states, and over 137 countries. 25% are minority and 57% are women.
* The middle 50% of the 2006 accepted freshman class is: 3.4-4.1 GPA; 1140-1280 SAT (Critical Reading plus Math); 25-28 ACT.
* The top quartile of our 2006 accepted freshman class rivals any selective school in the nation with an average GPA of 3.97, and average SAT of 1340 (Critical Reading plus Math), and an average ACT composite of 30.
* Our top five Colleges by enrollment are: Arts and Sciences, Business, Social Sciences, Education, and Human Sciences.
* Florida State University is a Carnegie Doctoral/Research Extensive institution awarding over 2,000 graduate and professional degrees each year.
* Florida State University is a national leader in the number of doctorates awarded to African-American students.
* 2005-2006 was a very good year for national fellowships as FSU students won Truman, Rhodes, and Fulbright awards.