John W. Kimball

John W. Kimball has retired from a lifetime of teaching biology. A graduate of Harvard College, he began his teaching career at the secondary level, teaching chemistry and biology to students at Phillips Academy, an independent school in Andover, Massachusetts. In 1969, he returned to Harvard to study immunology with the late Professor A. M. Pappenheimer. After receiving his Ph.D. there, he went on to teach introductory biology (in both majors and nonmajors courses) and immunology at Tufts University where he became a tenured professor. In 1982 he returned again to Harvard where he taught immunology and also participated in teaching the introductory course for majors.
The first edition of Kimball's general biology text was published in 1965. Since that time it has gone through five revisions, the most recent being the sixth edition, which appeared in 1994 (that's its cover on the right). He has also published books on cell biology and a widely-used text on immunology. His biology books have also been published in Spanish, German, Japanese, Arabic, Polish, Korean and Indonesian versions.
Works by or contributed to by John W. Kimball on Book Gold Mine
- Kimball's Biology Pages (2007)