This site is created to increase understanding and popularity of accounting as a profession. Initially, the site was developed for CIS countries; however, it became quite popular in the United States, the United Kingdom, India and other countries. We received a lot of feedback and thank you letters. Thus, we decided to change design and revise all the materials. This site is the result of such effort.
Access to the site is completely free now. In the future we are planning to create a more sophisticated system with opportunities to adjust online learning environment to your individual needs. The future site will at least include lessons, problems, and multiple-choice questions. Solutions and answers will be available as well. Some additional features will be provided on a prepaid basis.
We believe that knowledge should be available to anybody without limits; thus, now and in the future, we will keep all theoretical material free for your use. We hope that such a structure will provide you with an opportunity to get material (free) and increase your understanding (paid basis), if so desired.
Subjects like cost/managerial accounting, statistics, economics, etc. will be covered in the future after we have seen that this site reaches its goal. The goal is to provide an opportunity to practice in a subject which is interesting to you at an affordable price.
Meanwhile, thank you for taking some time to read this message and for your desire to educate yourself. As a famous writer said, Knowledge is light, and Negligence is darkness.
Works by or contributed to by on Book Gold Mine
- Intro to Accounting - Simple (2006)