University of Würzburg

The University of Würzburg was first founded in 1402, making it one of the oldest universities in Germany. During the Counter-Reformation the privileges of the University were confirmed by the Emperor Maximilian II and Pope Gregory XIII. This was followed by the construction of the Old University, one of the most important 16th century university buildings in Europe. Today, over 400 years later, the University of Würzburg can look back upon a very successful past: famous scientists, such as Ruldolf Virchow, Carl Siebold and Franz Brentano both taught and conducted research at the University of Würzburg. In 1895 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered the as yet unknown rays which he called X-rays here. In 1901 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his discovery. Eleven further Nobel prizewinners have taught at the University, the most recent of them being the physicist Klaus von Klitzing who won the prize for his discovery of the Quantum Hall effect. The University employs some 10,400 people, of whom about 400 are professors and more than 2,600 lecturers and other teaching and research staff. 18,000 students are registered at the University of Würzburg, about 1,700 of them are international students from over 90 different countries.