
Publisher of the iconic "animal books" for software developers, creator of the first commercial website (GNN), organizer of the summit meeting that gave the open source software movement its name, and prime instigator of the DIY revolution through its Make magazine, O'Reilly continues to concoct new ways to connect people with the information they need. O'Reilly conferences and summits bring alpha geeks and forward-thinking business leaders together to shape the revolutionary ideas that spark new industries. Long the information source of choice for technologists, the company now also delivers the knowledge of expert early adopters to everyday computer users. Whether it's delivered in print, online, or in person, everything O'Reilly produces reflects the company's unshakeable belief in the power of information to spur innovation.
Works published by O'Reilly on Book Gold Mine
- Learning Android (2011)
- Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition (2001)
- Linux Kernel In A Nutshell (2006)
- Practical PostgreSQL (2002)