Skelix OS Tutorial

About Skelix OS Tutorial:
Excerpt from tutorial introduction:
I am a person who always wants to dig deep into internals, so when I started a course about complier principles at college, I wrote a compiler, well, actually it's more like an assembler. When I started to use FreeBSD, I wanted to know how it works in the rawest way, so I tried to read the kernel source. Then as you can imagine, I soon realized that it was an impossible mission to be accomplished. I was swamped with millions of lines of code. All I want is an insect killer, but H-Bomb is the only thing they could provide.
So I thought why can't I do it by myself, implement a simple OS kernel to show how it works from bootstrap to shell, finally I got Skelix. Skelix is a "skeleton" of an operation system kernel, it works in 32-bit protected mode, it demonstrates some basic concepts of how an os kernel works: bootstrap, task switching, paging, virtual memory, file system etc. in an i386 computer.
This tutorial is about how to implement Skelix step by step to show the basic idea of how a simple os kernel works. However, Skelix is still nothing but a toy kernel so far. I keep it as simple as I can to make it look clear.
I am a person who always wants to dig deep into internals, so when I started a course about complier principles at college, I wrote a compiler, well, actually it's more like an assembler. When I started to use FreeBSD, I wanted to know how it works in the rawest way, so I tried to read the kernel source. Then as you can imagine, I soon realized that it was an impossible mission to be accomplished. I was swamped with millions of lines of code. All I want is an insect killer, but H-Bomb is the only thing they could provide.
So I thought why can't I do it by myself, implement a simple OS kernel to show how it works from bootstrap to shell, finally I got Skelix. Skelix is a "skeleton" of an operation system kernel, it works in 32-bit protected mode, it demonstrates some basic concepts of how an os kernel works: bootstrap, task switching, paging, virtual memory, file system etc. in an i386 computer.
This tutorial is about how to implement Skelix step by step to show the basic idea of how a simple os kernel works. However, Skelix is still nothing but a toy kernel so far. I keep it as simple as I can to make it look clear.