
The obvious question is: How does Apress acquire manuscripts of the highest quality? Well, that's simple - this is done by attracting the best authors and technical experts that the world has to offer. How can a publishing company like Apress attract these authors? The answer is simple: Apress makes authors partners in the publishing process. Apress doesn't impose a "house style" on our authors and we don't make them conform to a series that straightjacket's them. Apress also makes sure that authors are treated equitably: our contract is open for all to see and has no hidden clauses in the fine print. But, the concept doesn't stop there. Another key feature of the Apress approach to publishing books is taken from the software industry: Apress treats the technical review process as seriously as the best software companies treat the quality assurance process.
Apress is convinced that these innovations such as those listed above make it possible for us to produce the highest quality books, recruit the highest quality authors, and publish titles that information technology professionals need and want.
The Apress management team insures that the distribution and fulfillment of Apress titles is second to none, and insures that the capital is available to move aggressively and take advantage of any publishing opportunities that arise. To accomplish this, Apress has entered into a partnership with Springer-Verlag one of the world's most respected publishing houses. Springer-Verlag is convinced that Apress will be the publisher of quality trade computer paperbacks in the years to come and we are very pleased to be working so closely with them.
Apress will continue to publish titles of the highest quality, and has compiled a team of authors that reads like a veritable "Who's Who" list of the computing industry.